Here’s the ultimate guide for the Giant + Healer attack strategy in Clash of Clans. Let me know if you want to see more :) ———————————-…

Clash Of Clans Gems Hack

how do you get so much loot so fast, it takes me 15 minutes to find that
type of base when i farm at around 1300

thank you chief pat do you think you could do some kind of minion wizard
strat plz?

This works great if you’re lucky enough not to get your healer blown away
by a seeking air mine…

Hey guys I am a new clash of clans youtuber. I have 170+ subscribers and
would love to connect with you guys more, I make daily clash videos!

I cant find bases with good loot anymore.. since clan wars came out now i
only can find about 100k loot and total.

bam and barch strategies
thank you for the hog strategy, it helped me a lot
i used to put all my hogs in one place but putting it in two places helps
so much better

I was using 2 healers and about 6-8 giants, would it be better to use
healers and wizards? I am th6.

Best. Strategy. Ever.
I attacked a th8 base when i am th7 and completely wrecked them!

Im using 3 healers… if im using 1, they dies instantly, if i use 2 they
will stay alive around 1,5 minutes…

I use it at town hall 6, it actually works pretty well most of the time,
but if it doesn’t, you do very badly.

I don’t mean to sound harsh, but I’m looking around for attack strategies
to improve my rank and you show a couple attacks on bases that are terribly
laid out which have abnormally high resources in them. The second guy
hadn’t played in weeks, with all of his resources full on the outside of
his wall.

These are not normal scenarios and they don’t help players that are having
to actually fight bases that aren’t being made by idiots.

You have level 5 attackers as well and you’re attacking someone with level
3 walls. This is just pointless. I appreciate that you probably took time
to make this video, but at least make something that’s useful to the

This was just a waste of my time.