This is MY first foray into Clash of Clans: Clan Wars so I share my opinion of how we should approach attacking and discuss some replays of some effective at…

Clash Of Clans Gems Hack

The ballons were to get rid of air mines and mass dragons will take out any
cc troops

I’m a clan leader of a clan called Acrisis. My sister and I co owned it,
but she fell inactive so I stepped up to be the full ruler. There’s about
2-3 co leaders, and they’re chill, 5 something elders. We’re pretty active,
mostly in NA timezone. Clan wars every thursday, so far we haven’t lost
one. 5 Wins. We have about 40+ members, so look us up if you’re looking for
a fun, active clan. 

Please can you upload more REGALLY because I love your videos but they take
ages to post…

Hey spider! I’m a big fan and I would love to join your clan! I only have
1500 trophies but it would be great if I can join!

Do fullscreen!! Take that subscribe screen away please! You will get more
subscribers without that because they will know that you like doing videos!
Not searching only for subscribers. 

Spider the clan castle troops dont all come out at once bring some archers
with you when your drawing them out instead of lighting spell 

Spider the only reason why you dont get all the loot is because you lose
the war and only get 20% of loot from clan castle.

You might want to play backyard monsters because it’s a game like this and
it’s really fun

Clash of Clans: CLAN WARS Strategies | Who to Attack and How!