Welcome to the DEFINITIVE YouTube channel for the BEST Clash of Clans AND Boom Beach gameplay including Let’s Plays, tips, tricks, strategies, and tactics to…

Clash Of Clans Gems Hack

if anyone needs a th8 base thats indestructible then go to a clan called
USAlliance and look at azul124 20’s base. Its not fully upgraded but it
still defended against an all out th9 raid.

anyone else add up the troop count??? it comes out to 245… max troops for
four level 7 camps is 240

Hey spidey i request to join ur clan but people decline my name is skullz
and I’m in crystal

How do u steal so much de?? I only have lv 2 minions and lv 4 king I don’t
use any dark troops Around 1600 trophies and th 8 200 troop capacity have

How do I join your clan? I am in crystal 3 and tried to join and I got no
reply (waited 6 hours)? 

take te fucking mob thing out of the left holy shit its annoying, im not
subbing till you take that off

borrowed your base, its a bit hard when its in the early th8(like not
having everything and all upgrades) but its still good, when I get attacked
its by people with th 10 and like maxed out troops. been droppin trophies
though so I could gain some resources gold 3

Clash of Clans: Town Hall 8 Master League! | Let’s Review the OP HR-HS Raid