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Clash Of Clans Gems Hack

Galadon, can you do a tips video for town hall 7 like you did for town hall
6? If possible and thank you in advance

I love how he’s waiting to release the 100th episode until he reaches 100k
subs 😀 

I’ve noticed you have the same music in the background every video. You
should try switching it up a bit

gallydon could u make a new series where you get to champions league with
only level 4 troops?

Hey Gally I have an idea. Maybe you make a another account and do a lets
play but focus on the different attack strategies throughout the game. I
think it will really help me, and a lot of your other viewers. Please reply
to this comment with feedback. Great video as always! :)

If you want to 3 star with hogs you need to attack bases with uncentralized
heroes and take them out with your heroes

If there is a base that has most of its structures outside, and lets say
just for example, 3 deep walls all the way around. Could hog riders jump
over all 3 or can they only jump over a single layer of walls? Great video
btw :)

Is this a good troop combination?

10-20 Barbarians
20-30 Archers
6 Wallbreakers
12-14 Giants
3 Healers
2 Hog Riders
2 Lightning Spells
2 Healing Spells