Clash Of Clans Defense | Clash Of Clans Base Builds | How to get FREE Gems in Clash Of Clans – all covered in one episode by “Clash Of Clans Attacks”! Clash Of Clans Free Gems! http://featu….

NEW TROOP: Winnie the Pooh
FLYING AND GROUND TROOP (activate balloon for Winnie to fly)
COST: 10 Honey
TRAIN TIME: 5 seconds
DAMAGE PER SECOND:N/A(one-hits every building with splash damage from honey
RANGE: 40 squares

I RECOGNIZE THAT TROLL BASE IN 1:17 TO 2:07!!!! ROFL IT’S +Clash with Cam’S

The girl could be a former member of BarbariaNParty!

Who else doesn’t Support supercell on supporting aids. Because people who
have aids are mostly gay. So it is a gay supporting ploy. >:( supercell

peter ! pleaase .. pleaaase ! make a good base of farming ”Town Hall 7”
… and another base for Clan wars of town hall 7 again !! and same
strategy of town hall 7 (200 troops in army camp) ,, talk about town hall 7
pleaase ! pleaaaaaaaase !!!!!! say any thing about town hall 7 because my
strategys attack’s and my base (farming or war base ) are complity bad ! i
always lose in attack and defense ! please help me 

Galadon can I join this acount base plz if you can my clan is called
spacers 101 im in it by my self you need 0 anyone can join plz join I have
a lvl 7 twon hall base and I have all atchers

I started my second account like a month before you and I am barely halfway
through TH6 and you’re already TH7…

Daily routines for me.

1. Wake up
2.Get ready for school.
3.Listen to highway to hell, while on the bus.
4.Arrive in school.
5.Suffer through 8 hours of pain.
6.Ride the school bus back home.
7.Walk a couple blocks to get home.
8. Get home and take my shoes off.
9.Have a snack.
10. The best part of the day. Hear Gallydon’s an Peter’s words of wisdom.

Galadon has 7 letters
Every hand has 7 fingers
You have two hands
7 – 2 = 5
Obama and Osama were once 5
Obama and Osama are two people
5 – 2 = 3
Triangle has 4 sides
Illuminati not confirmed

Hey Gallydon! Love the videos, but how are new people supposed to join your
town hall level 7 clan if it’s on closed? Tried to join because it said
that there was 49/50 people in there and couldn’t. Anyways keep it up.

i got the barbarian king in my early stages in town hall 7 and it was very
helpful (no gemming)

Galydon.. Please stop gemming!!! Even your town hall!!! Play like a normal
player! It’s not fun to watch

Nice video, my favourite part was when u showed of other people base
instead of just ur own, I think that made the video more fun to watch! xD
TY feature points!!!!

Peter wouldnt be proud of the protection of that gembox as it isnt
completely incased in walls >=(